

 Home > User guide > BOT > How to use the BOT editor > Extension > kintone

Provides futctionality for integration with kintone.

* kintone is a cloud service provided by Cybozu, Inc.

To use this extension, obtaining a kintone account and generating an API token are required.
For basic settings such as generating an API token, click here.

About kintone

Service operators company Cybozu, Inc.
Official Product WEB site

App list

Retrieve recordRetrieve a record from any app.
Retrieve multiple recordsRetrieve multiple records from any app.
Add recordAdd a new record to any app.
Add multiple recordsAdd multiple new records to any app.
Update recordUpdate a record in any app.
Update multiple recordsUpdate multiple records in any app.
Add or update recordUpdates if the record to be updated exists, and adds a new record if it does not exist.
Add or update multiple recordsTargets multiple records, updates if the record to be updated exists, and adds a new record if it does not exist.