
Home > User guide > BOT > How to use the BOT editor > Extentions
Extensions provide additional apps to enhance the functionality of your virtual browser.
- Applications are lined up in each package.
- Applications displayed in the virtual browser can be operated and recorded in the same way as normal web pages.
How to use extensions
- Select "Extensions" from the upper right menu.

2. Select one package from the extensions' packages.

3. Select one app from the list of apps in the package.

4. The app will be displayed as a page on the browser.

HR datawarp

Provides functionality for integration with HR datawarp.
* HR datawarp is a cloud service provided by WILLB.Inc.
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Provides futctionality for integration with kintone.
* kintone is a cloud service provided by Cybozu, Inc.
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Extensions that use transactions
Some apps use transactions.
Apps that use transactions will display a “transaction” icon.

Transaction usage
Package | App | Transaction |
Utilities | Authenticator(QR code) | Use a transaction for each process. 3 transactions per process |
AI | Read barcodes from image | Use a transaction for each read. 3 transactions per page |
Extract text from image or PDF | Use a transaction for each extraction. 3 transactions per page |
Extract text from specified positions in images or PDFs | Use a transaction for each extraction. 3 transactions per page |
Request to ChatGPT | Use a transaction for each request. The quantity of usage varies depending on the model. gpt-3.5-turbo-0125:1 transaction per 200 tokens gpt-4o-mini:1 transaction per 400 tokens gpt-4o:1 transaction per 20 tokens |
Google Sheets | Create new | Use a transaction for each process. 2 transactions per process |
Edit data | Use a transaction for each process. 2 transactions per process |
Viewer | Use a transaction for each process. 2 transactions per process |
Add data row | Use a transaction for each process. 2 transactions per process |