Included in the Contract

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Execution time of BOT
About Execution Time
The contract stipulates the maximum allowable BOT execution time per month.
The number of seconds from the start to the end of BOT execution will be added to the execution time for the current month. Time is also accumulated while creating or editing the BOT.
If the monthly execution time reaches the allowable limit, the BOT will no longer be able to execute.
*Click here for checking execution time.
Execution time for creating and editing BOT
When creating or editing a BOT, the following operations add execution time.
When recording a task

When progressing a task

The minimum unit of execution time is 1 second, and even if the execution time is less than 1 second, 1 second will be added.
When multiple tasks are progressed together, if the total time taken is less than 1 second, the execution time will be counted as 1 second.
When the maximum possible execution time is reached
If the executable time limit is reached and the BOT stops working, please consider one of the following
Time charge for free
When the allowable execution time reaches its limit, you will be able to press the 'Time charge for free' button.
By pressing this button, you can extend the BOT's execution time by 10 minutes for free.
Upgrade plan
By upgrading to a paid plan, you can secure a longer allowable execution time.
*For information on allowable execution time per plan, click here.Storage
About strage
The storage holds items such as execution logs and screenshots.
You can use the storage capacity according to the plan you have contracted.
When the storage usage limit is reached, the BOT will not be able to run.
*For information on checking storage usage, click here.*For information on exceeding storage capacity, click here.
About Transaction
Transactions are used when utilizing specific features in the BOT.
Use a fixed amount of transactions per function.
The amount of transactions that can be used per month is specified in the contract. If the total transaction usage reaches the limit, features that use transactions will no longer be available.
Additional transactions can be purchased.
*For information on purchasing additional transactions, click here.Ability to use transactions
Some extension apps use transactions.
*For information on extensions that use transactions,click here.