Change the Settings of BOT


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This section describes the steps to change the settings of BOT.


BOT settings can be changed under “Set” on the BOT Editor. This section describes how to change the settings.

Set input data

Input data is any data that can be specified when executing a BOT.

Save input data to execution log

Operating Instructions  

Input data can be saved in the execution logs.

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Select the input data

Operating Instructions  

Select the data to use as input data.

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Default value of input data

Delete default input values and deny setting.

Operating Instructions  

The deletion of default values for input data results in the denial of the setting.

  1. Check the Default checkbox.
  2. Click the "OK."

Reset the default values

Operating Instructions  

Reset the default values for input data to the current data values.

  1. Click the "Reset the default values" button.
  2. Click the "OK."


Hide input data values

Operating Instructions  

Input data values can be hidden.

  • Check the "Hide the values" checkbox.

Set BOT internal data

The BOT internal data refers to static data that is stored within the BOT.

Save BOT internal data to execution log

Operating Instructions  

Internal data can be saved in the execution logs.

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Reset the values of the BOT internal data

Operating Instructions  

Reset values to the current BOT internal data.

  1. Click the "Reset the values" button.
  2. Click the "OK."


Hide the value of the BOT internal data

Operating Instructions  

The input data values can be hidden.

  • Check the "Hide values" checkbox.

Set output data

Output data is the final result of running the BOT.

Select the output data

Operating Instructions  

Select the data to output data.

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Change the Icon of a BOT

Operating Instructions  

The BOT icon displayed on the dashboard and details screen can be changed to any image.

1. Click "Icon".
2. Click "Browse" and upload any image.

Alternatively, select from the provided icons.

Change the BOT Name

Operating Instructions  

You can change the BOT name to be displayed on the Dashboard or Details screen.

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Input the BOT Description

Operating Instructions  

You can change the BOT description to be displayed on the Details screen.

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Change the Virtual browser Used by BOT

Operating Instructions  

Sets the Virtual browser to be used when executing a BOT.

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Change the Error Handling Processes

Operating Instructions  

You can change the default BOT error handling processes. If the task has particular settings, these settings take precedence.

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Change the log level output to the BOT log

Operating Instructions  

You can set the log level to be output to the BOT log. The BOT log will not be output if "No output" is set.

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