AI / Request to ChatGPT


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App overview

Request to process with ChatGPT and display results.

Extended Feature URLcbot-extension://cloud-bot:ai:request-chatgpt:3
ProviderCloud BOT official
External communicationYes
*This application communicates with OpenAI's API.
Transactiongpt-4o-mini:1 transaction per 400 tokens
gpt-4o:1 transaction per 20 tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-0125:1 transaction per 200 tokens(Version 2 or earlier)

Screen description

Input screen



Specify the language model of ChatGPT.
(Available models: gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4o)


Specify the processing content and processing rules to be requested to ChatGPT.


Specify the data to be processed by the prompt.

file URL

Transfer image files to ChatGPT.


Specify the temperature for the responses from ChatGPT.

*This parameter adjusts accuracy and diversity. Lower temperature increases accuracy, while higher temperature increases diversity.

Result screen

Request Result


The result of the request made on the input screen will be displayed.

Number of tokens

The number of tokens used for this request will be displayed.

Quantity of transaction used

The quantity of transactions used will be displayed.

[About Tokens]

Tokens are the smallest units into which ChatGPT divides text, including words, punctuation, and symbols.
The request (prompts, data and files) and the amount of tokens resulting from the request are shown below.

Model Request Request Result
gpt-4o-mini 128k (131072) 16k (16384)
gpt-4o 128k (131072) 4k (4096)

If the result are insufficient, the generated text may be cut off.
You can measure the number of tokens using the tokenizer provided by OpenAI.

Usage Examples

UsagePromptExample Input DataExample Output Result
CalculationOutput calculation result10*10100
Date CalculationOutput the date 10 days later in the same format2023/4/12023/4/11
Excluding CharactersRemove symbols$3535
Keyword ExtractionExtract up to 5 keywords with tagsCloudBOT is a fully cloud-based RPA service. You can create and operate robots that perform browser automation in the cloud. It is compatible with multi-devices and can be used from smartphones, tablets, and PCs.1.CloudBOT
2.RPA service
3.Browser automation
4.Multi-device support
5.Smartphone, tablet, PC
TranslateTranslate English to JapaneseCloudBOT is a fully cloud-based RPA service.CloudBOT is a fully cloud-based RPA service.
Generate Test DataGenerate 5 Test Data in CSV Format
Last Name, First Name, Age, Prefecture, Email Address
Tanaka, Taro, 25, Tokyo,
Yamada, Hanako, 30, Kanagawa,
Suzuki, Jiro, 40, Osaka,
Sato, Misaki, 20, Hokkaido,
Takahashi, Kenta, 35, Aichi,
Data ExtractionExtract Email AddressLast Name: Tanaka
First Name: Taro
Age: 25
Location: Tokyo