About regular expressions


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This page explains regular expressions with examples.

Filter method

You can specify the filter method in some extensions.

Do not use regular expression

You can use wildcards to specify the filter pattern.

SampleApplicable file name
*.jpgAll files with a .jpg extension
*All files
?.jpgFiles with a .jpg extension and any 1 character
??.jpgFiles with a .jpg extension and any 2 character
wh*who, why, what, when, which...
wh?Who or why

Use regular expression

You can use regular expressions to specify the filter pattern.

SampleApplicable file name
\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\.csvFiles with .csv extension and YYYYY-MM-DD file name format
\d+\.pngFiles with .png extension and a file name of at least one arbitrary number