Release notes - Cloud BOT Agent


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VersionSupportedRelease dateAdditional features
8.4.0Supported2025/03/04Performance improvement while browsing with a virtual browser.
8.3.0Supported2024/12/09Support input by label specification for select boxes, checkboxes, and radio buttons in the "Input" task of the virtual browser.
8.2.0Supported2024/12/02Support for "Type on keyboard" task.
Support for executing the "Script" task within arbitrary frames.
8.1.1Supported2024/11/14Improvement in network communication efficiency.
8.1.0Supported2024/11/11Support for "Double-Click" task.
Support for "Drag & Drop" task.
Added "Performance Optimization" option to input tasks.
8.0.1Supported2024/10/24Module updates and security updates.
8.0.0Supported2024/10/15Support for the 'Keep browser sessions' setting in the virtual browser.
Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
7.2.0Supported2024/08/23Module updates and security updates.
Fixed an issue where the virtual browser could not correctly resolve the proxy PAC file (automatic configuration).
7.1.1Supported2024/08/09Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
7.1.0Supported2024/08/08Supports PAC file(automatic configuration) for proxy settings in the virtual browser.
Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
7.0.0Supported2024/08/02Module updates and security updates.
6.6.0Supported2024/06/19Improvement in network communication efficiency.
6.5.0Supported2024/05/14Support for setting page transition timeouts in a virtual browser.
6.4.0Supported2024/05/07Support for exporting/importing cookies in a virtual browser.
Support for conditional branching filters in a virtual browser.
6.2.0Supported2024/02/08Dealing with input operation issues in virtual browser extension.
6.1.0Supported2024/01/19Support for pasting files-type data into the text box.
Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
6.0.2Supported2023/11/24Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
6.0.1Supported2023/11/13Fixed an issue where the app would be forced to close during virtual browser/virtual connector communication.
6.0.0Supported2023/11/06We have implemented support for access using client certificates.
5.4.0Supported2023/10/12Supports the "Ignore SSL Certificate Errors" setting in the virtual browser.
Supports the selection feature for external communication paths in the virtual browser extension (Supported apps will be released sequentially).
5.3.1Supported2023/09/05Fixed a bug that click task using jQuery extended selector does not work.
5.3.0Supported2023/08/22In CSS selectors used to specify target elements, support for jQuery's extended selectors is provided.
5.2.0Supported2023/07/05Support for screenshot task.
Support for file renaming when copying files.
5.1.0Supported2023/06/08Fixed a bug that could cause file downloads to fail.
Supported jQuery and Lodash execution.
5.0.0Supported2023/04/17Module updates and security updates.
4.0.4Supported2023/02/13Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
4.0.3Supported2022/10/12Fixed some minor bugs in the virtual browser.
4.0.2Supported2022/07/13Fixed a bug that the file copy task may fail when executing BOT.
Fixed a bug that "Browser Language" in BOT settings is not reflected correctly in the virtual browser.
Fixed a bug that web pages may not be displayed correctly in the virtual browser when BOT recording is started.
Fixed the error display when an unexpected alert occurs during BOT execution.
4.0.1Supported2022/04/12Cumulative update on Virtual connector.
4.0.0Supported2022/03/15A new Virtual connector function is now available.
3.0.0Supported2022/01/12The automation of file opperations is now supported.
2.1.2Supported2021/10/11Minor change
2.1.0-2021/08/18Browsing mode has been implemented.
2.0.0-2021/06/09Addition of functions required for future version upgrades.
1.1.0-2021/05/12Minor change
1.0.0-2021/03/24First edition

*Unsupported versions may no longer be available online.