Upload the file downloaded from Google Drive using BOT


 Home > Connect > Make > Upload the file downloaded from Google Drive using BOT

Creating a scenario

Creates a scenario that uploads the file downloaded from Google Drive with a BOT execution.

Google Drive(Download a File)
Download the file from Google Drive.

Cloud BOT(Upload File)
Upload the file data to Cloud BOT.

Cloud BOT(Execute BOT)
Execute the BOT that uploads a file to the website.

Setting Google Drive

1. Click "Create a new scenario" to create a scenario.

2. Click "+" icon and type "Google Drive" in the search box to locate it.

3. Select "Download a File".

4. Set the module. "Enter a File ID" and "File ID" settings.
*Create a Connection if it does not exist.
*The following is an input example for typing a file ID [Enter a Folder ID] to "Select from the list".

Click "Run Once" to confirm the behavior. If you can confirm the execution result, the setting is complete.

Setting Cloud BOT (Upload File)

1. When you mouse over next to the icon, "Add another module" is displayed. Click "Add another module" to add a new module. Search "Cloud BOT" in the search box and select it.

2. Select "Upload File".

3. Set the module. Refer to this page about setting values.
*Create a Connection if it does not exist. Learn more about creating a Connection here.
In the image example, the module automatically identifies Files in Google Drive.

Click "Run Once" to confirm the behavior. If you can confirm the execution result, the setting is complete.

Setting Cloud BOT (Execute BOT)

1. Click "Add another module", then type "Cloud BOT" in the search box to locate and select it.

2. Select "Execute BOT".

3. Set the module. Refer to this page about setting values.
*Create a Connection if it does not exist. Learn more about creating a Connection here.

The File ref value obtained by the Upload File module can be set as the value.

Check the operation with "Run Once" and click "Save" when you are satisfied with the execution results. This completes the creation of the scenario.